Heyxu Codes

/ Programming / 網頁/網站程式 /


New Subject

Website Visits Programming Language
facebook.com 870,000,000 PHP
youtube.com 790,000,000 Python
yahoo.com 590,000,000 PHP*
live.com 540,000,000 ASP.NET
wikipedia.org 460,000,000 PHP
msn.com 450,000,000 ASP.NET
blogspot.com 370,000,000 Python*
baidu.com 310,000,000 PHP
microsoft.com 280,000,000 ASP.NET
qq.com 250,000,000 PHP
bing.com 230,000,000 ASP.NET
ask.com 190,000,000 SSI
taobao.com 170,000,000 PHP
twitter.com 160,000,000 Ruby on Rails
adobe.com 160,000,000 ColdFusion
youku.com 160,000,000 PHP
soso.com 140,000,000 CGI*
wordpress.com 140,000,000 PHP
sohu.com 130,000,000 PHP
163.com 130,000,000 JSP
windows.com 120,000,000 ASP.NET
hao123.com 120,000,000 PHP
amazon.com 120,000,000 CGI
tudou.com 120,000,000 PHP
apple.com 97,000,000 PHP
ebay.com 97,000,000 CGI
linkedin.com 89,000,000 Scala/Java
yahoo.co.jp 82,000,000 PHP*
sogou.com 81,000,000 PHP
go.com 74,000,000 CGI
4399.com 74,000,000 PHP
paypal.com 73,000,000 CGI
mozilla.com 73,000,000 PHP/Python
aol.com 73,000,000 JSP
about.com 73,000,000 unknown
xunlei.com 68,000,000 PHP
56.com 67,000,000 PHP
flickr.com 67,000,000 PHP
craigslist.org 66,000,000 Perl
tmall.com 66,000,000 PHP

這是來自 rogchap.com 的統計資料。魚戀發現到,只有微軟自己的網站才會使用 ASP.Net

  • Keywords : Python, yahoo, 魚戀發現到, 統計資料, 微軟, 來自, youtube, youku, xunlei, wordpress, windows, wikipedia, unknown, twitter, tudou, tmall, taobao, sogou, rogchap, paypal
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